Flamingo Wordpress

  1. Blog Kinky Life, Art and Culture. Kinky Flamingo, Create a website or blog at WordPress.com. Create your website with WordPress.com.
  2. With Flamingo you can modify the theme layout & menu´s layout very easy. Just select the layout you like more (angled, straight or minimal) and once you have created your sections and menu, select how this menu will be displayed. The 3 menu layouts are completely different and they will help you to create sites very different in minutes.
  1. Where Does Flamingo Store The Data Input | WordPress.org

Flamingo is a python3-based, pelican-inspired static site generator, made byPengutronix

Here are the instructions for creating your WordPress Site for your Communication Course, a Portfolio or a WordPress Website. WordPress Instructions.

Websites powered by flamingo:

What is a static site generator?

The most CMS based websites work by building every page on-demand with itscontent fetched from a database and ran through a templating engine.

This makes totally sense if your content changes very frequently, but mostwebsites, blogs or documentation pages only change occasionally by manualpublishing.

Therefore rebuilding on every click is a unnecessary overhead, not only inwebsite performance but maintenance too.

A static site generator pre generates all pages of your website once to plainHTML and CSS, which can be served by a simple webserver without any activebackend. This limits the complexity of your website to bare minimum and addssecurity and reliability.

History of flamingo

Why did we even bother writing a new static site generator from scratch?Actually we didn't.

In 2017 we redesigned our website www.pengutronix.dewith pelican. Our requirements and workflows are very specific and were hard tomet with existing pelican tools, so we developed a whole zoo of pelican pluginsand hacks, including a first, primitive version of aLive-Server, a custom bloggingengine and whole new reStructuredText sub system, over time.

In the end we had reinvented all aspects of pelican that were interesting forus, but still had the pelican dependency to maintain.

Flamingo WordpressKinky

So we threw all code we had in a new project and called it flamingo(because flamingos are like fancy pelicans or something like that).


Flamingo started as a pelican drop-in replacement, but now it is a new,from ground up re-designed static site generator.

Goal of flamingo

Flamingo is no specialized blogging engine or documentation tool, it is ageneral solution for generating websites from markup languages. Basically it'sa fancy converter that takes rst, markdown, yaml or html and generates allkinds of websites you can think of.

Target audience

Flamingo is no full featured content management system like WordPress forinstance. It has no build-in editor, user management or backup solution.

If you want to use flamingo you should be familiar with unix command lines andusing a text editor like vim, emacs, nano or eclipse.

If you want to develop plugins you need a basic understanding of python andknowledge of jinja2, HTML and CSS willbe useful.


Per definition, content managed with a static site generator gets writtenrarely but read often.

This means long build times of multiple seconds or even up to minutes aretotally acceptable. Flamingo is designed be to easy and reusable, not to befast! It is written in pure python and all operations run in RAM.

Getting help

If you have problems or suggestions, don't hesitate to ask for help!

Issue tracker: [link]

Pengutronix email: [entwicklung@pengutronix.de]

Maintainer email: [f.scherf@pengutronix.de]

Where Does Flamingo Store The Data Input | WordPress.org

Send patches: [link]