The Actual

Live news, investigations, opinion, photos and video by the journalists of The New York Times from more than 150 countries around the world. Subscribe for coverage of U.S. And international news. Actual - Synonyms, related words and examples Cambridge English Thesaurus. 10 synonyms of actual from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 40 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find another word for actual. Actual: existing in fact and not merely as a possibility. Actual definition is - existing in fact or reality. How to use actual in a sentence. Actual malice is the legal standard established by the Supreme Court for libel cases to determine when public officials or public figures may recover damages in lawsuits against the news media. Public officials cannot win libel cases without proof of actual malice.

Actual malice is the legal standard established by the Supreme Court for libel cases to determine when public officials or public figures may recover damages in lawsuits against the news media. The standard came from the case New York Times Co. v. Sullivan (1964) involving this advertisement alleging abuses by the Montgomery police. (The New York Times advertisement that prompted a libel lawsuit by a city commissioner in Montgomery County who oversaw police, via National Archives, public domain)

Actual malice is the legal standard established by the Supreme Court for libel cases to determine when public officials or public figures may recover damages in lawsuits against the news media.

Public officials cannot win libel cases without proof of actual malice

Beginning with the unanimous decision in New York Times Co. v. Sullivan (1964), the Supreme Court has held that public officials cannot recover damages for libel without proving that a statement was made with actual malice — defined as “with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.”

The decision in Sullivan threw out a damage award against the New York Times, but only six of the nine justices fully agreed with Justice William J. Brennan Jr.’s use of the actual malice standard, which he derived from a Kansas Supreme Court ruling, Coleman v. MacLennan (Kan. 1908). Justices Hugo L. Black and Arthur J. Goldberg, joined by Justice William O. Douglas, thought the Court should go farther to protect criticism of public officials and debate about public affairs.

Public figures, officials bear burden of proving actual malice

In subsequent cases, the Supreme Court elaborated on the actual malice test in the libel context. In St. Amant v. Thompson (1968), the Court recognized the standard as a subjective one, requiring proof that the defendant actually had doubts about the truth or falsity of a story. It extended the application of the actual malice test to public figures, not just public officials, in Curtis Publishing Co. v. Butts (1967).

Under the actual malice standard, if the individual who sues is a public official or public figure, that individual bears the burden of proving that the media defendant acted with actual malice. The amount of proof must be “clear and convincing evidence,” and the standard applies to compensatory as well as to punitive damages.

Actual malice not required for private figures


Concerning private figures, however, the Court ruled in Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc.(1974) that actual malice is not required for recovery of compensatory damages, but is the standard for punitive damages. Apple computer shop.

Court has used actual malice test to give news First Amendment protection

The Actual

The Supreme Court has expanded the reach of the First Amendment to afford the news media protection against other types of lawsuits designed to protect individual privacy, including those alleging intentional infliction of emotional distress, as in Hustler Magazine v. Falwell (1988); disclosure of private facts, as per Florida Star v. B.J.F. (1989); and depicting someone in a false light, as in Time Inc. v. Hill (1967). In all of these cases, the Court applied the same actual malice test to further recognize the principle of free and open comment in a democratic society.

The actual malice standard has at times drawn criticism from people in the public eye who think the test makes it too hard for them to restore their reputations and from the news media, which has complained that the standard does not afford enough protection for freedom of speech.

This article was originally published in 2009. Stephen Wermiel is a professor of practice at American University Washington College of Law, where he teaches constitutional law, First Amendment and a seminar on the workings of the Supreme Court. He writes a periodic column on SCOTUSblog aimed at explaining the Supreme Court to law students. He is co-author of Justice Brennan: Liberal Champion (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2010) and The Progeny: Justice William J. Brennan's Fight to Preserve the Legacy of New York Times v. Sullivan (ABA Publishing, 2014).

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
actual real verdadero propio la verdadera los verdaderos las verdaderas efectiva al verdadero efectivo realidad realmente efectivamente
propiamente dicho


the actual situation612
the actual costs357
reflect the actual272
the actual amount221
the actual needs188
Outcome indicators measure the actual situation as experienced by individuals and communities.
Los indicadores de resultados miden la situación real experimentada por los individuos y las comunidades.
Availability refers to the actual physical presence of energy resources.
Por disponibilidad se entiende la presencia física real de los recursos energéticos.
The reduction reflects the actual requirements during the biennium for training.
La reducción indica las necesidades efectivas por concepto de capacitación durante el bienio.
The injection button allows checking the actual loaded dose.
38 El botón de inyección permite comprobar la dosis real cargada.
The table below illustrates the actual utilization of those funds.
En el cuadro siguiente se indica la utilización real de dichos fondos.
Moreover, the actual growth in contributions to UNIFEM exceeded projections.
Además, el crecimiento real de las contribuciones al UNIFEM superó las expectativas.
Around 1315 the actual Castrum Celle was first recorded.
En torno a 1315 el actual Castrum Celle fue registrado por primera vez.
Ése es el paso real al que va el Equipo Tortuga.
Ahora pasemos al acto de susurrar al caballo.
Utilicen el contenido de los artículos contra él.
Consulting assistance will also be helpful during the actual implementations stage.
La asistencia de consultores también será útil durante la actual etapa de ejecución.
Creemos que los números reales están por debajo de 3000.
Please describe the actual situation of food supply in Georgia.
Sírvase describir la situación actual en materia de abastecimiento de alimentos en Georgia.
His delegation would welcome specific information on the actual expenditures involved.
La delegación del orador recibirá con agrado informaciones concretas sobre los desembolsos efectivos correspondientes.
Improvement in pre-trial proceedings could also help expedite the actual trial process.
El mejoramiento de las actuaciones prejudiciales también podría contribuir a acelerar el juicio propiamente dicho.
Trabajadores de la construcción sin el verdadero trabajo.
Lleva a cabo el proceso real de transformación.
My second comment concerns the actual purpose of this proposed directive.
Mi segunda observación se refiere al objeto mismo de esta proposición de directiva.
Verification of the actual implementation of international safety standards remains necessary.
Sigue siendo necesario verificar la aplicación efectiva de las normas de seguridad internacionales.
Apparently the actual timetable has not been changed.
Según parece, no ha habido cambios en el calendario efectivo.
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